Our team

Our team are experts in anything related to wine.
Here are a few of the people you may meet or speak to from Lanchester Wines. To contact anyone listed below, please email [email protected] or call +44 (0)1207 52 1234

Image: Paul Baird, FCCA

Paul Baird, FCCA
Group Chief Financial Officer

Image: Emma Campbell, MCIM

Emma Campbell, MCIM
Marketing Manager

Image: Alex Cleary

Alex Cleary
Sales Office

Image: Caroline Cleary

Caroline Cleary

Image: Tony Cleary

Tony Cleary
Group Chief Executive Officer

Image: Veronica Cleary

Veronica Cleary

Image: Lesley Cook

Lesley Cook
Director of Purchasing

Image: Ben Cotts

Ben Cotts
Key Account Manager, North

Image: James Dainty

James Dainty
Business Unit Controller

Image: Richard Lewin

Richard Lewin
Logistics Manager

Image: Ben Lindsay

Ben Lindsay
Business Manager, Cumbria

Image: John Mitcheson

John Mitcheson
Director of Logistics and Bond

Image: Michael O'Brien

Michael O'Brien
Head of Sales Ireland

Image: Emily Peacock

Emily Peacock
Sales and Purchasing Administrator

Image: Andrew Porton

Andrew Porton
Managing Director, Wine Division

Image: Mark Roberts

Mark Roberts
Director of Sales

Image: Heather Scott

Heather Scott
Key Account Manager, South

Image: Chris Smith

Chris Smith
Energy and Renewables Manager

Image: Laura Tilley

Laura Tilley
Customs & Excise Compliance Manager

Image: Tom van der Neut

Tom van der Neut
Business Unit Controller, Pub Co

Image: Becky Vernon

Becky Vernon
Head of Retail

Image: Beth Whitwood

Beth Whitwood
Purchasing Co-ordinator

Image: Amy Wilson

Amy Wilson
Assistant Buyer

Image: Patrick

Deliveries North East and North West

Image: Scott

Deliveries North East and North West

Image: Steve

Deliveries North East and North West